Product Details
Very Low Profile Piezo Sounder

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A piezo electric sounder which can supply levels of over 100dB at a distance of 30cm, yet is only 4mm high. It can therefore be used wherever space is at an absolute premium. It requires an external driver which should operate on, or as near as possible to, the buzzer's resonant frequency of 5500Hz. This source should present a maximum drive voltage of 30V peak-to-peak to the buzzer. 100mm lead-out wires with tinned ends are provided. Mounting lugs with 2· 5mm holes are moulded into the buzzer's cream-coloured case. 
Resonant frequency: 5500Hz ▒500Hz
Resonant resistance: 300 max.
Electrostatic capacitance: 12000 pF (▒30%)
Sound output at 30cm: 103dB max.
Height: 4mm
Diameter: 23mm
Length (lug tip to tip): 35mm
Fixing centres: 29mm x 8BA/M2